He Ata Rawea Programme

What are the programme objectives?

There is one clear objective of Ata Rawea, that is to support education workforce to use reo Māori in a way that holds status for Aotearoa identity and is relevant in the daily lives of students.  There are four levels of the programme offered in Ata Rawea, each level has slightly different language objectives.

Level 1: seeks to build confidence to begin using reo Māori in education settings

Level 2: increases confidence to start running activities in reo Māori

Level 3: continues to build oral proficiency with greater support for reo planning

Level 4: develops teaching plans for the classroom with practical reo based activities



What are the main learning elements?

There are 5 key components in the project: 

  1. Regional Reo and Tikanga strenthening local identity
  2. Reo Use within the learning environment of students
  3. Structure and Orthographic Conventions of reo Māori use
  4. Learning Contexts for Curriculum delivered with reo Māori 
  5. Language Planning Approaches for education and community settings


What is the commitment of time and effort required of participants?

Programme participants are expected to attend:  

1 x 6hr day for orientation into the programme

2 x full immersion workshops, each being 2 days and could be held at a local kura, marae or on zoom. One at the start and the other at the end of the programme. 

10 x Online evening classes of up to 2 hours are delivered once each week via zoom

1 x Online workshop of 4hrs in the middle of the programme


Optional attendance:

1 x Final day of acknowledgement and certification to end the programme.

10 x Single-day intensives spread through the year to provide follow-up reo support.  Each intensive is open to graduates on a first-to-register basis for a limited number of places (between 100 to 150 participants)


How will the learning take place?

Unless advised otherwise: 

  • The two intensive reo wānanga will be held on marae, local kura or online; 
  • Weekly classes and the 4hr workshop are run online in real-time zoom classes; 
  • Resources notes, feedback and quizzes are accessible on a custom-built, Moodle-based, online learning management website; 
  • The Induction and Closing days are likely to be held at community or school venues;
  • The follow-up day intensives are likely to be held at schools


2024 Maramataka and enrolment dates

2024 JULY – DEC | Maramataka and Dates

Learn more about enrolment